Sunday 18 July 2010

Just because...

So I was out for drinks with a friend yesterday and of course we were talking about Twilight... ha ha (I can totally see you all rolling your eyes at me BTW!!!) Anyways he said that in previous films he's always been Switzerland but in Eclipse he was totally TEAM EDWARD....finally!!! So just for all you team Edward fans out there here's a little something for you..and me!

Just for tonight,darling,let's get lost!

Hello sweeties! My it's been a while since I updated...sorry..I was in NEW YORK!!!

AND of course I timed my trip pefectly for Eclipse coming out at the cinema so I could see it opening day a whole week before it's UK release :D

Not sure what the rest of you thought but I thought it was the best yet! Just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! Although I found it was a little disappointing in the same way New Moon was as some of the scenes were out of sequence with the book and I found it went from scene to scene to scene without blending together where as in the books everything flows nicely. However none of this stopped me enjoying the film! Also the soundtrack for this film is great! Let's get lost is my favourite track.

I also went to Madame Tussauds to get my picture taken with the lovely and totally fuckable Rob Pattinson. He is super tall btw! I was standing on my tipitoes and I still couldn't reach him for a kiss and I'm 5ft 6"....

Friday 11 June 2010

It has been a while......

Sorry guys I know I haven't posted in a few days but I've been a bit poorly and busy busy(the joys of life). Anyways my friend Lauren apparently NEEEDS me to update so here I am a whole what 2 minutes after my last post? haha

BREAKING DAWN is gonna be made into 2 films and I couldn't be more excited. More Rob Pattinson YES PLEASEEEEEEEEEE with extra helpings haha. Also did I mention I'm going to New York in a couple weeks for my holidays? Well I am(jealous much?) AANNNNNNNNNNND I'm gonna be there for the release of Eclipse so I shall see it before all u bitches hahahaha. I recently found out that whilst I'm there Kristen Stewart,Taylor Lautner,Nikki Reed and Bryce Dallas Howard will be there filming regis and kelly and also david letterman show so you can guess what I'll be doing.....haha

On other news...anyone seen sex and the city 2? It is hilarious!!! Samantha just makes that film so so so funny. What's not so funny and slightly disappointing is death at a funeral. For having so many good comedians and actors it was a let down altho James Marsden was HOT! and naked!!!!!!!!



OK OK I know this may seem an unusual post title and it's not at all what it seems haha

YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS! It had to be THE best proposal I have ever seen and if there's any guys reading this then you have a lot to live up to haha. I'd like to be proposed to like this wouldn't you girlies??? A+ for effort :D


Thursday 3 June 2010


As you may have noticed I'm a little intersted in Twilight...

Once I finished reading the books I took to the internet to quench my thirst lol and came across fanfic :) Best thing to ever happen! At the moment I'm following 3 authors which each have their own take on different aspects of the saga. If you're a die hard fan then they are defo worth a read. This was the first one I came across and is by far my favourite!
Let your light shine is the first story and starts from the wedding throughout their time on Isle Esme.
A life extraordinary is the sequel and follows bella and edward after she is turned into a vampire during a steamy session. Yes you heard right-Edward changes her,there ain't no vampire babies in this story!
The prequel is This Hungry World which is about them adapting to life in the human world and going to college together.
LolaShoes also has a couple other good twilight stories but these are my favourite. has a story called Stranger Than Fiction where when Edward left in New Moon he never came back until 6 years later where the story starts. Bella has written a book(twilight) and Edward starts hearing about it in peoples minds which makes him want to see her and prove his love to her. Just Wait. Now I can understand this story may be a bit far fetched for some but I like it. Everyone is human. Bella is ordered by court to live with Charlie in forks after stealing a car. She was sexually abused as a child and Renee hits her. She does drugs. Edward is bullied at school because he has a stutter and was adopted by carlisle after his mum committed suicide. His dad also beat him as a child. Jacob is a pot dealer. Bella and Edward become close and start dating helping each other overcome their past etc.

I love all these stories and hope you give them a look. Must warn you tho they are very smutty :p


Wednesday 2 June 2010


So I got a letter from my friend Jess today who lives in Sheffield and after reading it I thought "how did I ever live without this girl in my life?" We met 2 years ago whilst working in a summer camp in USA and have been really good friends ever since. She's coming to visit me in sunny Scotland next weekend and I can't wait :) Got lots of exciting things planned....

Speaking of friends you should all check out my friend Laurens blog! She's one of my besties and I'm so so so so happy that she is moving back to Aberdeen :) She is the shit haha
Also the wonderful Emmaaaaaa! Like my gran always says- good things come in small packages :)
I love all my friends sooo much. They are my family. Some have been friends all through school- Jade,Stef,Amy Glyn. Others became friends later through the years-Therese,Lauren,Emma and Jess. Then there's the work girls who give me sanity during the week haha. Me and Rach like to have our little rants in the car on the way home while singing along to some good music which right now means JUSTIN BIEBER!!! Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo loverrrrrr.......
Thanx guys for always being there. You are my rocks!


Hey guys this is my first exciting :)

Not quite sure what I'm gonna talk about cos life is pretty boring right now but I guess if you're reading this then you kind of find me interesting...maybe a little..yes?

I'm thinking I'll most likely talk about a little of everything - my life, fashion, tv, music, books....blah blah blah

So yeh hope you enjoy it and all that jazz. Oh and let me know what you think by leaving comments and if you like what you read then please share with the rest of the cyber world lol.
